Imaginary shop introducing music, movies and comics

【Music】On Air Music July 4th week






A Japanese songwriter who spent eight to twenty-four years in the United States, graduated from Boston Music University, and, after graduation, spent in Los Angeles, his second hometown.
While retaining the pop of Los Angeles somewhere, the tempo and rhythm unique to the Japanese stand out. A song that is quite easy to hear and is perfect for a clear drive.


All the time-Zara Larsson

All the Time

All the Time

  • Zara Larsson
  • ポップ
  • ¥250




Born in Solna, Sweden, growing up in the southern part of neighboring capital Stockholm, his childhood As a debut single, Celine Dion's cover "My Heart Will Go On" is released as a debut single and hit 7th in Sweden. The video on the program has been a hot topic on YouTube, and as of April 8, 2016, it has recorded over 15 million views. This song is also pretty strong like a glaring jacket! Just good for the beginning of summer!


Swim - 1983



  • 1983
  • J-Pop
  • ¥250


6人はそれぞれoono yuuki、森は生きている、トクマルシューゴ、王舟、シャムキャッツ、柴田聡子inFIRE、折坂悠太、蓮沼フィル、寺尾紗穂などの録音に参加している。


80's + a born Japanese six-man group formed around a bassist born in 1983
Six of them are participating in recordings such as oono yuuki, woods are alive, Tokumaru Shugo, Wang Cui, Siamese Cats, Shibata Kyoko inFIRE, Oritazaka Yuta, Hasunuma Phil, and Terao Mizuho.
Pursuing Japanese pops and using the instruments such as flute and trumpet skillfully expresses 80's pop to the present age


Up to U - I Don’t Like Mondays

Up to U

Up to U

  • I Don't Like Mondays.
  • J-Pop
  • ¥250

日本のロックバンド、バンド名であるI Don't Like Mondays.は、印象に残るような長い名称かつ文章でありたいという考えによるものである。「I don't like mondays.」という文章自体は、ブレンダ・アン・スペンサーの言葉として世界的に有名である。 憂鬱を理由に月曜日はバンドの定休日としており、実際にメンバーは「(月曜日は)嫌い」と語っている。


Japan's rock band, the band name I Don't Like Mondays., Is due to the idea of ​​wanting to be a long name and text that is impressive. The sentence "I don't like mondays." Itself is world famous as Brenda an Spencer's words. The band is closed on Mondays because of depression, and the members actually say "I hate (Monday)".
They have also launched their own brand, and they are all good looking rock bands with all four people, and the music is also amazing that it is quite complete!